Business Services to help you do more.

Professional writing, project management, documentation conversion, transcription, and more. We are the solution that helps frees up more of your time to run your business and do the things you love.

brown and white pomeranian puppy on macbook
brown and white pomeranian puppy on macbook
person typing on MacBook Pro on brown wooden table during daytime photo
person typing on MacBook Pro on brown wooden table during daytime photo

First of all

Writing & Proofreading

Our experienced writers provide high-quality content for your website, blog, and social media platforms. We specialize in long-form content such as articles and blogs that are engaging and capture your audience's attention.

We also provide proofreading services, because even the best writers need another set of eyes to proofread content before publication.

We can even help you write your customer success onboarding emails!

a person using a laptop
a person using a laptop


Administrative Solutions

Let us help bear the load and get some of those administrative tasks off your list. From things like transcription services, data entry, and documentation conversion to project management and program coordination, we have you covered.

We love working with small businesses that need an extra hand in special projects, repeat events, and getting new programs up and running, as well as those looking to outsource some of their regularly occurring tasks.

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book

And let's not forget

Employee Coaching Services

Looking for a way to build workplace resilience or boost employee wellness? Our parent company LightPeak Coaching offers services to help individuals and teams reach their full potential. They offer one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and corporate coaching to help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

About us

At LightPeak HQ, we are passionate about delivering high-quality services and products to our clients. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping your business succeed. Let us help your business reach new peaks.

View our plans and get started today!


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